
19 July, 2024
Japan-YWP Networking Dinner in WET2024

Japan-YWP organizes “Japan-YWP Networking Dinner” as a part of the WET2024 conference. In this symposium, active young researcher encourages young water professionals based on their experiences.

  • Organizer: IWA Japan National Young Water Professionals (Japan-YWP)
  • ◎Co-organizer: Japan Society on Water Environment (JSWE)
  • ◎Date: 19:00 - 20:30, 19 July (Fri.), 2024
  • ◎Venue: In preparation (Near to Okayama Station)
  • ◎Pre-registration: Check this Google form.
  • ◎Fee:Around 4,000 yen
  • ◎Contact: Dr. Takahiro Watari (watari[at]
    • Replace "[at]" with "@".

8 July, 2022
Japan-YWP 10th International Symposium in WET2022-online
~ Networking Project with Philippine YWP~

Japan-YWP organizes “Japan-YWP 10th International Symposium ~ Network Event with Philippine YWP ~” as a part of the WET2022-online conference. In this symposium, Japan-YWP and the Philippines YWP will exchange information on the current state of water issues in both countries and hold group discussions to form a new young water professional network. We look forward to your participation.

  • Organizer:IWA Japan National Young Water Professionals (Japan-YWP)
  • ◎Co-organizer: Japan Society on Water Environment (JSWE)
  • ◎Date:19:00 - 20:05, 8 July (Fri.) 2022
  • ◎Venue:Online (Zoom)
  • ◎Pre-registration:!
  • ◎Fee:Free
  • 【Program】 
  • Chairperson: Dr. Takahiro Watari (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan-YWP committee)
    • 19:00-19:05 Opening address
        • Dr. Yohei Nomura (Kyoto University, chair of Japan-YWP)
    • 19:05-19:15 Introduction of Participants
    • 19:15-19:30 Introduction of Japan-YWP and current state of water environment
    • 19:30-19:45 Introduction of Philippines -YWP and current state of water environment
    • 19:45-20:00 Discussion
    • 20:00-20:05 Closing address (Chair of Philippine YWP)
  • ◎Contact: Dr. Takahiro Watari (

8 July, 2022
Japan-YWP 10th International Symposium in WET2022-online
~ Networking Project with Philippine YWP~

Japan-YWP organizes “Japan-YWP 10th International Symposium ~ Network Event with Philippine YWP ~” as a part of the WET2022-online conference. In this symposium, Japan-YWP and the Philippines YWP will exchange information on the current state of water issues in both countries and hold group discussions to form a new young water professional network. We look forward to your participation.

  • Organizer:IWA Japan National Young Water Professionals (Japan-YWP)
  • ◎Co-organizer: Japan Society on Water Environment (JSWE)
  • ◎Date:19:00 - 20:05, 8 July (Fri.) 2022
  • ◎Venue:Online (Zoom)
  • ◎Pre-registration:!
  • ◎Fee:Free
  • 【Program】 
  • Chairperson: Dr. Takahiro Watari (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan-YWP committee)
    • 19:00-19:05 Opening address
        • Dr. Yohei Nomura (Kyoto University, chair of Japan-YWP)
    • 19:05-19:15 Introduction of Participants
    • 19:15-19:30 Introduction of Japan-YWP and current state of water environment
    • 19:30-19:45 Introduction of Philippines -YWP and current state of water environment
    • 19:45-20:00 Discussion
    • 20:00-20:05 Closing address (Chair of Philippine YWP)
  • ◎Contact: Dr. Takahiro Watari (